For Interior Painting Lynnwood WA contact:
PaintGunners|(206) 930-8885|118 209th PL SW Lynnwood, WA 98036
The right Pink bathroom remodel is difficult to choose. People who choose pink as the dominant bathroom color either redesign for their daughters or they have some vintage or ultra-model to put into practice. Cream and purple are the colors that are usually chosen for contrasting or complementing pink, in a bathroom. It is important that you plan everything carefully so that all the fittings make a good match.
You can do up the walls, buy colorful accessories or bring in some splashes of color to achieve a completely different look. If you want to make it luxurious, you can also spend a bit more money on the pink bathroom remodel as long as you know exactly what you want to achieve. A jacuzzi will always make a difference at the end of a long day of work. But not everybody can afford that: the space may not allow it or there is not enough money to get a jacuzzi!
If you plan the pink bathroom remodel for your daughter/s, you could integrate some favorite cartoon character if this is the case. Ask the child to participate to the project and come up with his/her ideas. Integrate those with your design plan or explain everything to the decorator. Lots of colorful items can match the theme and match the dominant color. Moreover, you should not neglect the safety of the bathroom, for both children and adults. Pay attention to tiles, sharp edges and bathtubs. Slippery surfaces are really dangerous, and you need to avoid these by all means.
Some people will cringe at the view or thought of pink bathroom remodel, but as long as you like it, you can do it in style and not necessarily with a load of cash. Sometimes, you don’t even need to change the tiles or the essential bathroom items: a vanity sink with a cabinet should do to give a new look to your bathroom. You can use pink, blue, green, white, cream and any other color as long as you make good matchings and there is no clash.
This is the main guarantee of a successful project. You can play with shades of pink and create visual illusions such as making the space appear larger than it really is. This works fine for small bathrooms where you want to avoid the crammed look by all means. This is possible by painting the main wall in a light pink shade, and the other walls in slightly darker hues.
Just like with any other interior remodeling you need elegant interior painting. You need a highly qualified, trained, experienced and creative interior painter. PaintGunners are excellent. For Interior Painting Lynnwood WA contact them for a Free Consultation and quote at (206) 930-8885 or visit their website at