www.PaintGunners.com | (206) 930-8885
If you think you have mastered stained glass construction, stained glass painting however is more challenging. In fact, the majority of stained glass crafters have very little knowledge about the process as well as the materials. But it should be another step in the entire process of creating beautiful stained glass windows.
There are some people who have a misconception that stained glass is merely a stained glass that has been painted to a desired color. In reality, stained glass is colored while in molten form by adding metal oxides. Painted stained glass is already colored and has had a design painted on it.
In this case, painting on a stained glass is done for the purpose of adding some humanistic details of the hands, feet, face, or shading of the body and hair. Through painting, the amount of cutting and leading of the many tiny pieces of glass is reduced. It also helps enhance the texture, beauty, and color that are already present in the stained glass.
There is no need to have the talent of an artist just to paint on stained glass windows, though a bit of an experience in drawing and a little knowledge of perspective and human anatomy will be very helpful. If you can enroll in classes on stained glass painting, it would be a great way to learn from the experienced people and the experts and know what and what does not work. But if you cannot find classes, you can research online, find related online forums as well as books and other sources.
If you are willing to spare some money, you can spend as little or as much as you want on stained glass painting tools and supplies. You can get started for as little as $20 to $100. You can save money by making some of your own stained glass painting equipment. Suppliers for stained glass paints and tools can be found by searching on the internet and at craft and supply stores. Be careful of the paints you choose because the paints for stained glass painting are specific.
What’s great about stained glass paint is that it is a high-fired permanent paint which actually has glass (called the vehicle) in it. It also contains lead and has coloring agents like sand, alumina, clay, red or white lead oxide, boric acid, potassium and sodium. The lead in the stained glass paint refracts light. The matt (paint) can be applied, taken out in the tracing, fired, and then applied again, depending on the lighting, detail, and textures you want to achieve in your stained glass painting.
If you want the best results for your stained glass, the only thing you have to do is to hire Painters Snohomish WA Chris Burton and his associates at Paint Gunners. With these people, achieving your desired results will never be impossible as they are the most highly-regarded professionals in this field. For more information, you can visit their website or call them at (206) 930-8885 for a free consultation.