Exterior House Painting|Exterior Home Painting|Exterior Painters Lynnwood WA
PaintGunners, LLC
Address: 118 209th PL SW Lynnwood, WA 98036
Phone: (206) 930-8885
There are many factors to consider if you want to paint the exterior of your home. The first thing you’ll probably do is type the phrase exterior home painters near me in your internet browser. Or if you live in Lynnwood Washington, exterior painters Lynnwood WA to chose an accomplished Local Painting Contractor such as the Paintgunners. After that, you have to choose a color with the help and advice of the contractor. This may be easy for some, but for others, it can be challenging. To help you decide, here are some exterior house painting tips.
Consider the Architectural Style of Your Home
Whether yours is a Victorian, New England Salt Box, Craftsman, or Midcentury Modern, the exterior paint should match the style of your home. For example, a Victorian home can have a variety of colors, while New England Salt Box looks great in blue-gray tones.
Paint manufacturers usually offer historically correct colors. You can consult an experienced professional specializing in this field. Although you don’t need to strictly adhere to guidelines (unless otherwise specified in your neighborhood’s restrictions) it’s still a good idea not to deviate too far from the most pleasing effect.
Dark or Light?
If you are considering painting your house with dark colors, keep in mind that they tend to fade more quickly when compared to lighter ones. This is because dark colors absorb heat. You might also want to select muted colors instead of brighter tones.
A house with an existing dark color can be an issue if you like to repaint it with a light color. It may require a coat of primer, and that is more laborious and more expensive.
Take Advantage of Color Tools
At the very least, you’ll need a paint tool known as color wheel or color fan. Ask the dealer if they can loan you one. Most shops have pint-size samplers that you can take home with you to test on your exterior. Colors can look different in person than they do on a piece of cardboard. During different times of the day, they can look a bit lighter or darker than you had hoped.
In addition, many paint stores offer computer imaging to give you a better idea how exterior paint colors will look like. Once you trimmed down your choices, buy a small amount of each and try them out. Though computer imaging can be helpful, seeing how a particular paint color will look on your house can help you make a final decision.
Get Ideas for Paint Color Schemes
One way to get ideas on paint colors is to read magazines. When you’ve found a color that you like, it is easy to have it matched at a paint store. Also, look at paint manufacturers’ color pallets.
Another tip – if you are impressed with the color of a particular house in your neighborhood, ask the owners if they can tell you what exact color and paint brand they have used.
Blend in with Your Surroundings
Consider what exterior paint color will work in your neighborhood and surrounding landscape. Look at the entire picture. If your home is in the countryside, you can choose earth tones. Meanwhile, a house by the coast will look great if its colors complement the sea.
If your home is covered by the Homeowners’ Association covenants, be sure to look into those as well. Will the colors that you want, fit in the overall feel of your neighborhood? Ideally, your home’s exterior paint color should be appropriate to that of your neighborhood. Being a good neighbor means you should factor this in.
These exterior house painting tips can help you decide what color is right for your home. This decision can impact the overall look and value of your property. If you live in Washington and searching for a reputable company to do your exterior house painting, contact us.
In the Lynnwood WA and surrounding areas including Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Mill Creek Chris Burton and his professional team are well known and highly desired for Exterior House Painting services. If you want to know more about them, feel free to visit their website or dial (206) 930-8885 for a free consultation.