The concept of minimalism, often described as a “less is more” approach, has a deep meaning at its base. Eliminating mess and reducing to the essentials in space are the primary ways to achieve it. Some people might think that minimalism can be very limiting, but in reality, it doesn’t have to. With careful planning, creating a minimalist design is easier than you may think. In this post, we will be providing tips on how to achieve a minimalist interior design.
How to Achieve a Minimalist Interior Design
1. Think function first
The transition to minimalist interior design has to be done with function in mind. In order for it to foster calm and serenity, space has to be functional and easy to use. This could entail moving things to make them more accessible when you need them. For example, having a basket in the living room for all those items that shouldn’t be there can help keep the space looking neat and clean.
2. Plan your storage
Minimalism leaves no space for clutter. This could be an issue, as many objects in the house usually end up in random places. To make the transition easier, think about your storage habits. Rethink your storage in such a way that it’s both easy to maintain and can keep clutter out of sight.
3. Details count
In a minimalist interior, there are only a few items and those have to be chosen carefully to convey the message you want them to. Although it takes a bit of thinking, the result will be rewarding, as the items on display will gain more importance with less visual clutter around them.
One way to create an attractive minimalist interior design is by combining decor and function. Think about a stunning lighting fixture above a dining table. Besides being functional, it adds character to space and can also serve as a focal point.
4. Be diligent with your color scheme
Minimalism is synonymous to order, and that is true for colors as well. Many unconnected colors can create visual clutter, which can have the same effect as physical clutter. If you want a minimalist interior design, choose a color scheme and stick to it. This doesn’t mean everything has to be white or beige. You can choose the accent colors as well. However, once the palette is chosen, you have to commit to it diligently.
5. The texture is your friend
If you’ll only have very few pieces at sight, wouldn’t that become a boring space? Not necessarily. Mixing different textures is a great way to add visual interest to the room while still sticking to minimalist interior design.
6. Leave some empty space
Empty space is a part of minimalist interior design. Free corners or clean walls all contribute to making a space feel airy and light. But empty doesn’t mean bland. A wall without anything hanging can still be interesting when painted in the right paint color, while a free corner can highlight the beauty of your flooring.
7. Simplify
Minimalism is simple. You can incorporate this design style into your home by simplifying furniture, decor, and storage. Choose furniture with form and function in mind. When it comes to decor, choose only those that are relevant. Finally, simplify storage and make it easy to maintain.
The simplicity and elegance of the minimalist interior design is something to admire. And the thought of a clean and tidy home is something we can all appreciate. If you need help with painting your home interior, contact WA house painters at PaintGunners. To get a free quote, call us today at (206) 930-8885 or send a message through our contact page.